A downloadable game for Windows

This is unfinished, yet not enjoyable at all, games that "WE" made for game off 2023, though this our 2nd games ever made.

This project was initially from our hype from previous project Miro. When we still have a time for game development. And it turns out we don't have time at all.

This project is kind of under non-active development, and we still publish this game anyways for our educational purposes and our progress in game development skills for later look-back.

What We Learned?

 - Planning and Execution must go the same ways.

- Learn C# before doing anything.(same mistake from Miro, doesn't learn GdScript before doing anything).

- We need an actively Game Director, not puff!-gone director like this one.

- Same as above but applied for artist.

- Don't just algorithm in your head, tell me too! sometimes me(@oaui) doesn't understand what @Mcake22 is trying to do.


Basic Movement

W A S D - Player 1
Arrow L R U D  - Player 2
E  - Attack

Game Repository can be found here : https://github.com/SgSadguy/GameOff2023
SgSadguy - @Mcake22, Minoplhy - @oaui

Credits :

Cholnapass Hachana - No Presence on ITCH.io - Artist, sketcher
Sivakron SaengPhara - No Presence on ITCH.io - Director, Game Designer
Tussanai Pukkungavayung@Mcake22 - Assistant director, Programmer, Artist, Level Designer
Sirapat kocha@oaui - Programmer, sometimes idea suggestion

Developer Note :

Note from Oaui :

I've invited my friend (Mcake22) to join Game Off 2023 in late October, though doesn't know that November will later be the harshest month in 2023, not because of Game Jam. but because of school work. Aside from us two programmers, there's also another two friends that Mcake22 invited to this project but has no presence on ITCH.io.

Alike previous project Miro, Mcake22 done almost all heavy lifting, though it was a rought experiences playing with Godot and C#. Still, i don't understand why we don't just use more new-comer friendly like Unity, but I believe for sure that this will be a fun roller coaster of learning curve on Game Development skill.

Note  from Mcake22:

When we initially conceived our game as a roguelike and embarked on planning before entering this game jam, we optimistically assumed we'd have sufficient free time. Unfortunately, reality proved otherwise, and for an entire month, our schedules were stretched thin.

Compounding the challenge, we had to delve into learning a new language, C#, within the GODOT Engine. The scarcity of educational resources made this task particularly daunting. Despite grappling with the steep learning curve and the absence of formal guidance, we persisted until reaching a point where we contemplated abandoning the project. The unresolved sense of commitment led us to convene a meeting on the eve of the final delivery day, where we collectively decided the game must be completed.

Regrettably, as evident, our game stands devoid of substantial content. This marks our second attempt at game development, and the experience has been a powerful lesson in effective planning and project organization. The analogy of organizing our gardens aptly captures the importance of cultivating a structured approach.

In the end, despite the fragmented state of our game, we found joy in experimenting with unconventional mechanics and navigating the chaos of our spontaneous planning. The experience, though challenging, was gratifying, providing us with invaluable insights. Undeterred, we are determined to apply these lessons, ensuring a more successful completion in the next game jam. We are committed to delivering a polished and finished game this time around.


SPBSG.zip 58 MB


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It says.pck file missing

(1 edit)

fixed. SPOILER ALERT! there no interesting contents in this game, but anyways thanks for your interest in our game! btw,  If you're looking for something playable "Miro" our previous game with more times to develop, is more playable. though, it's not for Game Off 2023.

You guys have done well.